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Acute Acupuncture: Acupuncture
Acupuncture Massage and treatment is a key component in traditional Chinese medicine and is used to help restore and harmonize the flow of energy, or life force, restoring the body’s natural balance through the insertion of very delicate needles into strategic points located on and around the body. This flow of this energy or life force is referred to as Qi or Chi.
To learn more about Acupuncture and Women's Health Click Here.
The biomedical view is that acupuncture points may stimulate nerve endings by being placed into the origins and insertions of muscles through the connective tissue. This may stimulate and boost your body's natural painkillers supporting the immune system, reducing stress, and helping to facilitate sleep.
To learn more about Acupuncture for Musculoskeletal Disorders Click Here.
Depending on the condition(s) of the patient, these thin needles are placed from very superficial, just below the skin, to deep down to the bone. However, each treatment depends on where the pathogenic Qi or disharmony is located.
To learn more about Acupuncture for Anxiety, Depression, or other Mental-Emotional Conditions Click Here.
For example, for a scar or acne, the needles will get placed around the affected area increasing the circulation and blood flow to that specific area. Another example is with a sprain the needles will be placed locally to the depth of that muscle, or even to the bone.
To learn more about what you should know before you book Acupuncture Click Here.
Acupuncture, Massage, and Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) are an ancient form of medicine that has been used by the Chinese and more recently in Western countries. These treatments have been helping people to support their health, recovery, and overall well-being of people for thousands of years
If you have any more questions or concerns check out our Acute-Acupuncture Wellington Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs), as we find these answers most people's questions.